This Life "No" Balance
This Life "No" Balance

This Life "No" Balance

July 16, 2021

The old saying that what goes around comes around is truly a relative of Karma. Well, I thought to share my little story with you; by the way, Thank God it’s Friday. Back to my story, I have this bragging friend who stays in my neighbourhood around Lekki Phase 1 and likes to brag with everything. Mbok, Charlie can make you feel like you are an alien. Apparently sometime last year, dude bought this brand-new SUV and trust me he frustrated my entire destiny each time with  my car does this, my car does that, my car ! my car ! my car ! ……. I almost got deafened with my car gist. But to God be the glory; To disgrace the “koroba”, God can use your basket to fetch water from the river so that men will acknowledge that AC nor be Fan.

Anyway, last month my company decided to promote me to Head the Operations Department and it came with Car. Their Initiative gave me a brand-new Pick-Up Truck as I would be required to do a lot of field operations. At first, I wanted the same SUV so I can pack it side by side that proud dude, but I did not know what God was preparing me for.

The All New JAC T6 4WD

So I noticed that during this raining season, the water level in my area got so bad that cars were beginning to get bad and sink on the roads on daily basis. So just yesterday, I was rushing out for a meeting and here comes Mr. My Car this , My Car that, stuck on our road with his car doing some titanic moves, and brother was calling everyone for help. Me I kukuma slowed down, wound down a bit in my Pick up Truck and asked brother what’s wrong as if I did not have eyes to see in the first place. Brother gave me a blank stare and adorned a humble look and said; “Mehn I don’t know these our roads are just too bad these daysgbenu soun just say your car could not stand the tides, leave the roads alone. I sha helped him to call some boys around on my way out as I was running late for the meeting.

Well, if you are like brother and not sure what will happen next during this rainy season and you run a lot of field activities; well weather forecast predicts heavy rainfall this July. So I want to urge you to get you a JAC T6 Pick up truck. It is a definition of Beauty and the Beast, it is rugged, tough and durable, specific built for the Nigerian terrain. It is being used all over Nigeria across many sectors by individuals, Government and other Parastatals for commercial and operational functions. To top the list, it is very affordable.

As a friend, I have done something for you with this information.

We are an automobile trading and services company. We import, distribute and retail the JAC brand of vehicles including passenger cars, SUV’s, pickup trucks, buses, and light-duty trucks in Nigeria.

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